Q: Who exactly is this camp for?

A: All-Abilities Camp is for children and youth with physical, cognitive, intellectual and sensory processing disabilities. We do welcome siblings without disabilities to camp, in support of their siblings with additional needs.

Q: My child has a lot of extra needs. What are you able to support?

A: Our camp team is comprised of high school & university students, volunteers and church and FCA Staff who have a heart for campers, but our team is not professionally trained in complex care matters. Our staff and volunteers cannot provide help for diaper changing, G tube feeds, administering medication, suctioning, transferring in/out of wheelchairs or other mobility devices, or other tasks typically completed by a PSW or medical professional. Additionally, our camp team is not professionally trained in behavioural support or risk management. Campers who have a behaviour support plan in place, or those needing toileting, or the physical and medical supports mentioned above, must attend Camp with their own respite worker who is vetted by the family and trained in their particular needs.

Q: Will everyone that comes to camp have a 1:1 buddy?

A: Not necessarily, we assign 1:1 buddies based on anticipated need, and our availability to match appropriate volunteers to campers.

Q: Do I have to participate in a pre-camp interview?

A: Yes, because we want to make the best plan possible with valuable input from families to ensure their children have a successful time at camp. Once we have completed the interview and determined that we have the right supports available, you will be sent a private registration link.

More Questions? Check out our Camper Support Policy by clicking here.

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